Launching Evanston
children to greater heights.

Connecting • Supporting • Empowering

A Lifetime of Learning. 

Let EECC help connect your family to early childhood programs and resources, so every Evanston child is prepared for a lifetime of learning. Prenatal to age 3, or 3 to 5, an early start can make a world of difference! Learn more about which programs are right for your family and how we can help.

A Network of Connectors.

Excellent early childhood education programs and resources, from home visiting to classroom settings, and infant and toddler to Pre-K options, are available to all Evanston families – for every income level, including some at no cost. Let our Evanston-wide network of providers benefit your family. 

Journey to Success.  

Make sure your child is ready to launch into learning no matter their age! Give them the boost they need to ensure a successful start in life.  Even if your child is already in a program, learn more about why a solid start – and fostering their natural curiosity – will help your child navigate a pathway for success in the classroom, and beyond! 

Evanston Early Childhood Council is United in Growing Our Youngest Learners.

EECC is a coalition of early childhood organizations that helps connect Evanston families with high-quality, early learning opportunities, programs and resources that prepare children to be ready to LAUNCH… for success in the classroom, and beyond!

90% of Brain Development Happens Before Age 5

Between the day they are born and the day they enter kindergarten is the most important developmental stage for a child. Early, high-quality learning opportunities are critical for Kindergarten readiness, improved academic performance, and even life outcomes like higher incomes and better health.

Keep their growing minds engaged